How to Create Infinite Zooms in Stable Diffusion (Video)

How to Create Infinite Zooms in Stable Diffusion (Video)
Learn how to create captivating infinite zooms using Automatic 1111. Follow our comprehensive guide, complete with installation instructions, advanced settings, and expert tips. Elevate your visual storytelling with this mesmerizing technique.

1. Introduction

Greetings, dear friends! Are you prepared to venture into the enchanting realm of infinite zooms? Within this all-inclusive guide, I will precisely demonstrate the process of crafting awe-inspiring infinite zoom effects utilizing the formidable capabilities of the stable diffusion tool.

2. Installing Infinite Zoom Extension

Install & Download Stable Diffusion

If you not yet have installed Stable Diffusion, don't worry! We have an installation guide below, that will walk you through the stable diffusion installation process step by step.

How to Install Stable Diffusion on Windows

Install Infinite Zoom Extension:

  • Go to the "Extension" tab in stable diffusion.
  • Click "install from URL".
  • Paste the github url then click "Install" wait a few seconds.


  • Now go to the "Installed" tab, click on check for updates and then on "Apply and restart UI"


After you have done this it is recommended to close Stable Diffusion and restart it to prevent any errors.

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3. Obtaining the In-paint Models

To enhance the quality of your infinite zooms, we need to obtain the in-paint models. Join me as we visit civit AI and search for your favorite models with an in-paint version. Download and load these models into the appropriate folders, and we'll be ready for the next exciting phase.

I am using the ReV Animated model, this model has a separate In-paint model available on the same page, look for "inp" or "inpainting" at the end of the file name.


Put the inpainting model in your Stable Diffusion models folder: stable-diffusion\models\Stable-diffusion

4. Setting Up the Infinite Zoom Extension

Now it's time to set up the Infinite Zoom extension. Let's explore the advanced settings and recommendations, including clip skip, VAE selection, noise multiplier, and apply color correction. I'll guide you through each step to ensure your settings are optimized for outstanding results.

Exploring the Main Infinite Zoom Tab:

In the main tab, we'll uncover the secrets behind out-painting steps and prompts. Discover how to adjust settings to achieve optimal results, including negative prompts, samplers, output width, and more. Most of these settings are self explanatory, but some of them require a bit of understanding to get the best results.

  • Common Prompt Prefix: The text written here will be placed in front of your prompts written below, this applies to each prompt.
  • Common Prompt Suffix: The text written here will be placed after your prompts written below, this applies to each prompt.
  • Negative Prompt: This is the negative prompt that will be used for each generated image/frame.
  • Output Width/Height: The output resolution of your video.
  • Guidance Scale: This is the same as CFG Scale that we all know.
  • Sampling Steps for each outpaint: This is rendering from latent noise, the developer of this extension suggest a high value, 35-50.
  • Custom initial image: This will give the AI an inspiration of what you want to have in your infinite zoom, using this can give a better result. For this tutorial I will be leaving this empty.


Video Tab: Frame Rate and Animation Options:

Join me in exploring the video tab, where we can customize frame rates and animation options. We'll discuss the benefits of choosing zoom out or zoom in effects, as well as how to fine-tune start frames, zoom speed, and create pauses for a more dynamic and captivating infinite zoom experience.

  • Frames per second: No matter how high or low you set the framerate this will not generate more images, you can leave this at 30 for a smooth zoom.
  • Zoom mode: Zoom-out renders your prompts from top to bottom as displayed on the main tab, while Zoom-in renders your prompts from the bottom to top. Zoom-in is also a little bit more consistent because it gives you a full picture and then it renders inside of the picture, while zoom-out is rendering from latent noise.
  • Zoom Speed: The default zoom speed is 1 but this is a little fast, try setting this to 1,5 or 2. This will also lengthen your video.


Out-Painting Settings: Fine-tuning the Infinite Zoom:

In this section, we'll delve into the out-painting settings, focusing mask blur and latent noise usage.

  • Mask Blur: I recommend to leave this at default but you can you play around with these settings 48 seems to be a good value.
  • Masked Content: Here you want to select "Latent Noise"


Generating the Infinite Zoom Video

Once all the settings are in place, it's time to generate your infinite zoom video. Press the orange "Generate Video" button to start. Sit back and watch as your creation comes to life right before your eyes.

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5. Infinite Zoom Output & Examples

Once you have finished rendering your infinite zoom video, you can locate it in the designated "infinite zooms" folder within the main outputs folder. stable-diffusion-webui\outputs\infinite-zooms

6. Conclusion

Congratulations on becoming a master of infinite zooms with Automatic 1111! I trust that this guide has ignited your creativity and equipped you with the expertise to transform your artistic visions into reality. Greetings, my friends!

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